cSAR3D is the fastest Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) measurement system on the market, and can be used in any setting. Within a fraction of a second, the full SAR distribution and peak spatial-average SAR are measured and displayed. This unparalleled speed offers significant time savings and enables features such as: time-average SAR measurement in real time, for devices with dynamic power control or antenna switched diversity, accurate proximity sensor evaluation, including trigger distance and coverage area. cSAR3D is considered the most advanced and most accurate vector array SAR measurement system on the market. It is fully compatible with IEC 62209-3. cSAR3D phantoms (Flat, Left Head, Right Head) are compact and can be used in a variety of settings (including on production lines or on an engineering workbench) without a dedicated lab environment. DASY83D (DASY8 Module c3D) adds the DASY8 robot to cSAR3D for fully automated cSAR3D testing. The DASY8 robot picks up and places the wireless device on the cSAR3D phantoms. This combines speed, automation, and versatility into one powerful system. The system is ideal for high-volume testing (such as production-line testing and market surveillance) or fully automated testing (such as compliance or pre-compliance testing of all DUT test configurations).